Schedule of Fees

Included here are both Personal and Business account fees. Also view our Rates.

24/7 telephone and online banking with billpay Free
Account alerts¹ Free
Branch cash deposit (business only and excludes Small Business Checking) $0.10 per $100
Coin and currency services (business only) First $500 free, then $0.25 per $100
Disposable night deposit bag Cost
Foreign checks processed (each) $10
Stop payments (each) for six months $35
Stop payments (each) for twelve months $45
Wire transfer - incoming $15
Wire transfer - outgoing $30
Wire transfer - international incoming $18
Wire transfer - international outgoing $55
Wire transfer - fax notification $2
Wire transfer - paper notification $5

For fees related to a specific product, please see that product's webpage.

1. While account alerts are a free service, your phone provider may charge for text messages.

The earnings credit allowance for the Business Checking Account may be used to offset these account activity fees.

Checking overdraft automatic transfer fee from Savings (excluding Premium Account) $10/daily transfer
Paid Overdraft Fee or Returned NSF Item Fee $34 (items over $20) - $10 (items greater than $5, and less than or equal to $20). No fee (items less than or equal to $5).
Continuous Overdraft Fee $7 after the 5th business day and $7 each business day thereafter, if the account remains overdrawn

For fees related to a specific product, please see that product's webpage.

No Overdraft/Returned NSF Item Fee if total overdrawn balance is less than or equal to $5.  No continuous overdraft fee when total overdrawn balance is less than or equal to $5.

Personal accounts only:  Maximum number of Overdraft/Returned NSF items per day is five, no matter how many items we pay/return. No limit for business accounts.  

43,000 surcharge-free Allpoint nationwide and 12,000 international ATMs1 Free
ATM/Debit Card1 Free
Customer Balance Inquiry at Non-FSB or Allpoint ATM (each) $2
Customer Wthdrawal at Non-FSB or Allpoint ATM2 (each) $3
Non-Customer ATM Service Charge $4
Replacement of lost ATM/Debit Card or PIN number $5

For fees related to a specific product, please see that product's webpage.

1. If you opted-in to the overdraft privilege program and your account is overdrawn by using your debit card, applicable fees may be charged.

2. You may also be charged a fee by the ATM owner.

2 ½ x 5 $40
3 x 5 $45
5 x 5 $55
3 x 10 $65
5 x 10 $80
7 x 10 $90
10 x 10 $140
10 x 15 $150
15 x 30 $310
16 x 32 $320
Deposit on two keys $10
Late payment charge 10% of annual rent (one month grace period)
Lost vault keys $15
Vault box exchange $10
Vault drilling $225

For fees related to a specific product, please see that product's webpage.

Requires automatic payment from a First State Bank account.

Account closed (within 180 days of opening) $25
Account research or reconciliation $30 per hour
Cashier's checks $8
Check printing and endorsement stamps Fees vary and depend on the style ordered
Copy of check $5
Counter checks $1
Customer service/branch assisted inquiry or balance transfer (each) $3
Foreign Currency $20
Gift cards - MasterCard® $3
Inactive checking account per month1 $5
Levies or garnishments $100
Loose coin (subject to count) $.05 per one dollar counted
Non-customer check cashing $10
Non-customer notary fee $10
Photocopies (per copy) $0.50
Returned mail fee (per returned statement with incorrect address) $5
Signature guarantee (per document) $15
Statement copy (per statement) $5
Two signatures required2 $10 per month

For fees related to a specific product, please see that product's webpage.

1. No customer initiated transactions in 180 days.

2. No longer available. Applicable to existing two-signature accounts only.

IRA transfer fee $30

For fees related to a specific product, please see that product's webpage.