Your finances are safe and secure with First State Bank.
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Q. What happens if I lost or forgot my username or password?
A. Call Customer Service at 866-372-1275 to reset your username or password. Verification is required.
Q. When I tried to sign-up for Online Banking using the instructions provided, I got a message that said "invalid user id or password." Why?
A. Most likely, you signed up for Telephone Banking before signing up for Online Banking. To make your initial access easier, both services use the same PIN. So instead of using the 6 digit or 4 digit Password as stated on the sign-up page for Online Banking, use your current Telephone banking PIN; that PIN should grant you access to Online Banking. If that doesn’t work, please contact us.
Q. I can't log into Online Banking with the Username and Password I created. What am I doing wrong?
A. The Username and Password are case-sensitive; make sure you are using the proper characters when logging in.
Q. How safe and secure is my account information through First State Bank Online Banking?
A. First State Bank uses High Security Level 128-bit SSL encryption to ensure the security of your account information. Only browsers with the same high security level 128-bit SSL encryption can use online banking.
Q. What does SSL mean?
A. SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. This technology allows users to establish sessions with Internet sites that are secure, meaning they have minimal risk of external violation. Once inside the Online Banking site, you are secure through the use of SSL technology.
Q. What is encryption?
A. Encryption is the scrambling of information for transmission back and forth between two points. Because your account information is being transmitted between and you First State Bank, encryption protects your account information so it can’t be intercepted and read by a third party.